google-site-verification=xsm5y8ojHo8It9cdhF4HDMvNYnPOQ5_JwaKYXB94_PM If you want to shine Like a sun. First burn like a sun - Nice Miracle -->

Batter Ideas Batter Life

Batter Ideas Batter Life
Positive mantality attitude (PMA)
If you want to shine  Like a sun.  First burn like a sun

If you want to shine Like a sun. First burn like a sun

Positive mantality attitude (PMA) Motivation

If you want to shine
Like a sun.
First burn like a sun.

Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Ex.President of India

अगर आप चमकना चाहते हैं
सूरज की तरह।
पहले सूरज की तरह जलो।

Dr.A.P.J. अब्दुल कल्लम
भारत के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति

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